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Occasionally, it's necessary for universities and colleges to withdraw courses after you've been made an offer, or even after you've accepted an offer.

If the university or college has to withdraw a course, or if there are major changes to the course provision (e.g. length of course, change of location, or substantial changes to its content), they should give you as much help as possible to find an alternative.

The university or college should let you know all your options, keep you up-to-date, and let us know of any changes.

There's no guarantee of an alternative offer or a place. Availability of places depends on the time of year, as well as other factors relating to when you are told the course is being withdrawn.

  • The uni/college you applied to should try to offer you another course at the same campus, or the same course at one of its other campuses (if possible).
  • If you don't want to accept the alternative place, you may want to be considered at another uni/college (for example, a university you had declined earlier in the cycle). It’s a good idea to contact your original uni or college choice to see if they still have a place they will consider you for. If possible, they should contact the alternative uni/college for you to explain the situation.
  • If the uni or college informs you of the course withdrawal before you've replied to an offer, you can substitute this choice (until 30 June). You (or your original uni on your behalf) should check the new university can consider you before doing this. Let your original uni know this is what you want to do (giving them the name of the new university and course) and they will contact us to update your application.
  • If you have already accepted an offer and do not want to accept the alternative course offered to you, you may be able to accept an offer at another uni/college you originally applied to. You should discuss this with the uni/college who has withdrawn the course, who should then contact the new university on your behalf, to explain the circumstances and see what choices are possible. 

If you think the university or college has not followed the terms and conditions you've agreed, you can discuss this with them. Check your consumer rights for more information.