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Make sure you’re ready to get the most out of UCAS Discovery with our ultimate checklist.
  1. Laptop: Get yourself set up with a laptop, wi-fi, and quiet space where you won’t be distracted.
  2. Sign in details: Have your details to hand to sign in to the event.
  3. Pen and paper: You’ll want to make lots of notes on the unis, employers, and apprenticeship providers you meet, so come prepared.
  4. Your shortlist: Come armed with a list of unis, employers, or apprenticeship providers you want to meet – choose both those you’re seriously interested in, and some you’ve not explored before.
  5. List of questions: What are you going to ask each exhibitor? Do you have questions about apprenticeships? Have questions for current students? Write them down and have them at the ready.
  6. Your schedule: Make sure you plan your time. You might want to spend most of your time chatting to unis, but don’t forget to attend the live lounge sessions you’re interested in too – each session includes the chance to ask questions.
  7. An open mind: Be ready to think outside the box. You might not have thought about a degree apprenticeship before, but could it be the right choice for you?
  8. Not sure where to start? If you’re not sure on what you want to do it may seem like this isn’t for you. WRONG! You’ll find inspiration for different career options, study options, and more.